Bridget The Super Carrot

Olly Nuttall
2 min readFeb 7, 2021

Heroes come in all sizes and shapes

And Bridget was the bravest of the lot

Flying around in her shiny cape

Bridget the super carrot

Fast as a cheetah, strong as a gnu

Helping the needy one and all

Her skin a Trumpian orange hue

Standing for justice at four inches tall

She fought the kingpin Turnip

Vanquished the evil Sprout

Gave the nefarious Broccoli a clip

Nemesis Parsnip a smack on the snout

She saved cats from trees

Stopped the sad falling off rooves

Waited at roads to help old ladies

Dispersed gangs of loitering youths

Ever see a vegetable do something so brave?

Making sure goodness was done

Busting up an illegal rave

Probably a bit over officious, Bridget, that last one

No snowman nose for her

Protector of human and root veg

Our nobbly pointy saviour

Truly on the edge of being a veg leg

No one put Bridget in a green bin

She would always have her say

Rubbish waste, no way was she going in

Not that the council were collecting anyway

But, all heroes tenures come to an end

As Bridget knew hers would

But her life she was willing to lend

As long as it ended in doing good

“My sheep is stuck in mud trouble”

Came the farmer’s plea

Bridget on her way at the double

To get the bundle of wool free

Bridget’s time to solve a crisis

She flew at full force

Never taking time to notice

She flew too close to the farmer’s horse.

Thusly ended Bridget’s tenure

Destiny decreed time to go

In time to become super manure

Helping new super veg to grow



Olly Nuttall

Wannabe author, won a bee author, nonsense writer, pun creator, plus actor